

Chris­t­ian Naeve, Christoph Schroff and Sven Schäfer got acquaint­ed with each oth­er in 1995, by work­ing for the same architect’s office in Ham­burg. After two years of col­lab­o­ra­tion as free­lance archi­tects, Chris­t­ian Naeve and Christoph Schroff found the “Archi­tects Naeve & Schroff” agency in 1999. In Jan­u­ary 2001, Sven Schäfer  joins the team and  togeth­er they cre­ate the ANSSP agency  — “Archi­tects Naeve, Shroff, Schäf­fer and Partners”

Since 2011 the ANSSP agency  is based in Hamburg’s “Stern­schanze” quarter .