CP — Bispinger Heide
Erweiterung Center Parcs Bispinger Heide
client: Center Parcs, Headoffice NL
client: Center Parcs, Headoffice NL
construction time: 2008–2009 planning: 2007–2008
services: Projektsteuerung, Planung, Ausschreibung, Bauleitung
client: Center Parcs, Headoffice NL
construction time: 2008–2009 planning: 2007–2008
services: Projektsteuerung, Planung, Ausschreibung, Bauleitung
The extention- and building area for the new cottages was located in the southeastern part of the holiday park “Bispinger Heide”. The size of the area amounts about 9,8 hectare. For the execution of the project we had to develop the forest area. Beside infrastructure installations the area became a new shape by landscaping. Several ponds were scooped which are connected by a closed watercourse. In total 58 new cottages were built with an expanse of 5.500 m². The cottages were put into rows up to 7 cottages per row. The rows had to be adapted to the topography and the arrangement of the cottages was characterized by several height offsets. All cottages were built as a timber construction.