Reichspräsident Ebert” barracks – Building No.05
Renovation of a landmarked accommodation building, with an adjoining lecture hall building

client: Bun­desre­pub­lik Deutsch­land, Bun­desmin­is­ter der Vertei­di­gung
client: Freie und Hans­es­tadt Ham­burg, Behörde für Stad­ten­twick­lung und Umwelt
con­struc­tion time: 2010–2012  plan­ning: 2009–2010
ser­vices: Design, exe­cu­tion draw­ings, Ten­der doc­u­men­ta­tion, site managment

The “Reich­spräsi­dent Ebert” bar­rack is one of three loca­tions belong­ing to the Ger­man “Armed Forces Staff Col­lege” of the Bun­deswehr. In the course of a long planned ren­o­va­tion for the whole area the her­itage-pro­tect­ed quati­er build­ing No. 5 is get­ting refur­bished. On the floors we’ve cre­at­ed new mod­ern apparte­ments for two or one per­sons. The apparte­ments are par­ti­tioned in work­ing and sleep­ing spaces. Every two apparte­ments are shar­ing one com­mon bath­room. Also the attic floor was implied into the new build­ing uti­liza­tion. The adja­cent annex was rebuilt to an audi­to­ri­um. There­fore we’ve designed a new roof con­struc­tion in form of wood­en trussed gird­ers which tra­verse the whole building.