Informations- und Verkaufspavillion am Bostalsee

client: EFB – Entwick­lungs­ge­sellschaft Ferien­haus­park Bostalsee mbH
client: EFB – Entwick­lungs­ge­sellschaft Ferien­haus­park Bostalsee mbH
con­struc­tion time: 2012  plan­ning: 2011
ser­vices: Entwurf, Bauantrags­pla­nung, Auss­chrei­bung, Ter­min­pla­nung, Innenarchitektur

In the course of bulid­ing “Hol­i­day Park Bostalsee” we’ve designed an Pavil­lion where vis­i­tors can get infor­ma­tions about the cot­tage in the park. The struc­ture was built as an tem­po­rary wood con­struc­tion. Inside there is a Lounge and an area for coun­selling inter­views, two offices, san­i­tary rooms and also a room for pre­sen­ta­tion and events. Our remit was also the design­ing of the inte­ri­or furnishing.