New Century Hotel
Revitalization and enhancement - Hotel Offenbach am Main

client: New Cen­tu­ry Invest­ment (Lux­em­bourge) S.a.r.l
client: New Cen­tu­ry Invest­ment (Lux­em­bourge) S.a.r.l
con­struc­tion time: 2014–2016  plan­ning: 2013–2015
ser­vices: Design, Build­ing per­mis­sion appli­ca­tion, Exe­cu­tion draw­ings and Detail planing

For the reha­bil­i­ta­tion of this old hotel from the sev­en­ties, were ini­ti­at­ed struc­tur­al and func­tion­al reor­ga­ni­za­tions. In par­al­lel of a com­plete renew­al and enlarge­ment of the tech­ni­cal instal­la­tions of the edi­fice, were planed ener­getic improve­ments of the build­ing as well as the reval­u­a­tion of the exter­nal façade. At the heart of the project, stand the mod­ern­iza­tion of the bed­rooms, the total refur­bish­ment of the lob­by area and the three first floors intend­ed to pub­lic areas and ser­vices — Busi­ness to Busi­ness, Well­ness Cen­ter, Fit­ness, Restau­rant, Conferences … — .

On the basis of the orig­i­nal struc­ture, the many per­spec­tives on the out­side and the 4‑S­tars-Plus sta­tus of the hotel was suc­ces­sive­ly shaped a con­cept aimed towards a glob­al opti­miza­tion of the build­ing as well as its inter­nal oper­a­tion. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, was retained the largest pos­si­ble num­ber of rooms and suites.

Well­ness cen­ter, restau­rant and kitchens have all been thought under sev­er­al angles in order to reach their final appear­ance. All the pub­lic areas – lob­by, gal­leries, con­fer­ences room, restau­rant, — have ben­e­fit­ed from exten­sions, which results in a two-floor opened lob­by area and a notable enlarge­ment of the restau­rant by using the exis­tent park­ing structure.

All the archi­tec­tur­al reviews have been thought with the will of the assim­i­la­tion from the exis­tent to the new.

Oth­er major chal­lenge, the coop­er­a­tion of the ANSSP agency with a Chi­nese archi­tect office for the achieve­ment of the wished inte­ri­or designs.